Vogue Linen Will Help Maintain Your Floors

Vogue Linen Will Help Maintain Your Floors

Floor care is a vitally important part of running a successful business that many try to sweep under the rug. Without the right tools on-hand, your floors will suffer and the people inside your facility will notice. It takes more than the average mat or mop to maintain your floors which is why you need a reliable provider like Vogue Linen in your camp! We have decades of experience providing floor care services to our clients.

Why Maintain Your Floors?

There are a variety of reasons why floor care is important. From branding to safety and everything in between, here’s why you should maintain your floors:

Improved Image

Intentional or not, the first thing anyone sees when they enter a building is the floor. They might be looking right at it or they might be seeing it through peripheral vision. Either way, a dirty floor stands out in the worst possible ways. It tells the people entering your facility that they can expect similar treatment. Meanwhile, the opposite is also true! Clean floors communicate high standards, attention to detail, professionalism, and care to people who see them.

Facility Safety

Dirty floors are a hazard in many different ways. They cause slips and falls in even the steadiest feet, allergy flare-ups from dust, mold buildup, and more. The cleaner the floor, the less likely one of these problems will occur. That’s why it’s so important to maintain your floors for the sake of safety.

Saved Expenses

On top of worker’s compensation claims and lawsuits from injuries and illnesses, there are other unnecessary expenses that are easy to avoid with proper floor care. Floor repairs are expensive and become more and more common the less care they receive. If things truly get out of hand, there may even be regulatory involvement and fines. Cleaning your floors not only makes your business look better and operate more safely, but it also saves you money!

Here’s How Vogue Linen Will Help Maintain Your Floors

Vogue Linen understands the importance of proper floor care, especially in environments with lots of dust and other debris such as Nevada. Here’s how we help maintain your floors:

  • Floor Mats. Our floor mats come with thick, durable bristles that effectively clean the bottom of shoe soles. They trap dirt, dust, and other materials quickly and efficiently in order to prevent their spread.

  • Floor Mops. Vogue Linen supplies floor mops to help clean areas our mats can’t reach on their own. Our products are highly effective at collecting various materials that commonly build up on floors. Their heads are also easy to replace and clean!

  • Maintenance. We clean, repair, and even fully replace every item for our clients. Upon every visit to your facility, our route service representatives will ensure you always have what you need!

Contact Vogue Linen Today!

Any Nevada business that needs reliable floor care tools and services should sign up with Vogue Linen! Call us today at 1-775-738-5156 to speak with a member of our team who will happily walk you through your options. Interested in a free quote or our other products and services? Click here!

Sydney Pelton